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  • v1.3 Release: v1.3
    This update brings a lot of bugfixes that we have gathered over the past year and adds a number of new features for the different modules.
  • v1.2 Release: v1.2
    Release 1.2 of PAM contains bug fixes to many modules and some new features:
    New features:
    *  FCSFit:
        *  Added new "Save session" function that allows to save the analysis state including fitted parameters, selected model, loaded files and visualization state.
        *  The name and description of the loaded model is now shown in the GUI.
    *  TauFit:
        *  Added option to fit the instrument response function to a gamma-distribution
    Improvements and bugfixes:
    * PAM:
        *  Bugfix to CalculateImage routine for Start/Stop type data
        *  Image display now uses kHz for intensity.
        *  Mean arrival time image displays in nanoseconds when 'Use time in ns' is checked
        *  Export to PhotonHDF
            *  Updated for use with version 0.5dev of PhotonHDF file format
            *  Added option to export non-polarization FRET data to PhotonHDF
            *  Fixed error on saving when using filename with spaces
        *  Added option to extract raw FRET efficiency trace from intensity traces
    *  BurstBrowser:
        *  Option to hide the sum of all population in multiselection mode
        *  Fixed calculation of three-color static FRET line
        *  Reworked the way the species list works:
            *  Top level species (filenames) can not be selected any more
            *  The "Add species" button will now add a species on the same level as the selected species (previously, it would add a child species)
            *  To remove a loaded file, a new entry in the right-click menu is available
        *  Figure export
            *  Bugfixes to figure export to .eps files
            *  Added option to export to .fig file
        *  Gaussian fitting
            *  Fixed an issue where LSQ fitting was not working when different number of bins were selected for x- and y-dimension
    *  PDAFit:
        *  Changed the look of exported plots
        *  Exporting fit results now saves the parameters for every loaded file individually
        *  Fixed Angstrom symbol not being displayed in distance distribution plots
        *  Added mex files for maximum likelihood estimator based PDA
        *  Added code for Metropolis-Hastings type sampling of confidence intervals
        *  Fixed numerous bugs for error estimation:
            *  Now works over multiple files
            *  Now works for global fitting
        *  Fixed an issue where, when the "sigma at fraction of R" parameter was used as a fit parameter, it was not globally optimized over all loaded files 
        *  Histograms are now area-normalized in the All-tab
    *  MIA:
        *  Fixed bug that occurred when not correlating all frames
    *  FCSFit:
        *  Fixed bug when reading in FRET efficiency histograms from BurstBrowser
    *  TauFit:
        *  Added option to set x-scale to log
    *  Custom read-ins:
        *  Bugfix to Leuven_PTU read-in routine
    *  Sim:
        *  Fixed FRET calculation in camera simulations
        *  Added option to input concentration of particles (linked to particle number and box size)
    *  ParticleDetection:
        *  Added frame-wise particle tracking
  • 1.1a Release: 1.1a
    This minor update contains bugfixes related to image generation and export.
  • v1.1 Release: v1.1
    1.1 release of PAM
  • v1.0 Release: v1.0
    Initial release.