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MINTY-9026: Fix bug for object_action rule execution

Previously we defined the order for rule executing as, one rule sets the index to 1 to see which case action was performed. Completely overlooking the fact that you can have multiple case actions for a type which are triggered by different rules. This meant, the index was always one and the counter for case actions went on to 2, 3, 4 etc.

Because we don't operate on the order of case actions with object mutations but on the zaaktype_object_mutation ID field we need to inject this ID field to the case actions. Which is done in lib/Zaaksysteem/Backend/Case/Action/

Then we need to regenerate all the object actions for this type, the easiest way is to bump the casetype version of the case.

For those who have executed it we can now perform the correct rule execution because we match the mutation ID and than enable/disable automatic execution at phase transition via the UI.

Signed-off-by: Wesley Schwengle

Closes MINTY-9026

Edited by Wesley Schwengle

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