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Projects with this topic

  • Welcome to Ornata, a robust PHP MVC framework designed to streamline web development with practicality and efficiency. Ornata, formerly known as Lavender, offers a suite of features carefully crafted to support developers in building reliable and scalable applications for real-world projects.

    With Ornata, you'll find essential tools such as seamless multi-language management, robust caching mechanisms, and support for dual database connections, providing a solid foundation for your applications.

    Security is a top priority for Ornata, with features like Google Authenticator integration and encrypted data storage ensuring the protection of your sensitive information in a pragmatic manner.

    Key Features: [Multi-language support, Google Authenticator OTP integration for enhanced security, Three integrated layers: Web, Control Panel, and API, Dual database support (MySQL and SQLite3), Integrated Cronjobs Task Runner and Schema Database Builder, "Encrypia" for secure two-way encryption (Experimental), Dynamic Schema Evolution, Dynamic Caching Power, Ornata CLI Commander, Email Campaign Scheduler, SPA-Ready Integration, Unit Testing, Continuous Development Journey, and even more ...].

    In Development: Ornata is currently in dev stage with a focus on simplicity, flexibility, and security.

    Curious to read the documentation? Finish Ornata Setup then run this command "ornata documentation" in your project's terminal.

    Community Support: While Ornata is still in its early stages, a vibrant community is forming! Get support, discuss your projects, and contribute to Ornata's development on Discord:


    Thanks to Mahmoud ElNezany for his library

    Thanks for RedBeansPHP ORM

  • ICL : Intellisrc Common Library : This library can help you to write less code and speedup the development of your next great application. It is particularly designed to accomplish most of the common tasks required by backend services.

  • Logging, monitoring, and metrics are so critical that any model getting shipped intoproduction must implement them at the risk of hard-to-recover catastrophic failure. High confidence in robust processes for reproducible results requires all of these components.

  • Stores and present information regarding the latest universis deployment

    Api doc:
